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Aromatherapy Treatment

アロマセラピーとは香を使う芳香療法のことです。芳香植物はいろいろな力を持っています。昔から人々は幸せ、健康を求めて芳香植物を医療に、儀式に、化粧品として使用してきました。芳香植物が持つ匂いは脳の感情と結びつく分野で知覚されます。アロマセラピーは、ちょっとした不調を治したい時、緊張をほぐすことに、美容に使うことに、その本領を発揮してくれることでしょう。そして、最古の歴史を持ち、最も素朴な治療法がマッサージです。肩が痛むとさすり、顔の深いシワをなでて和らげようとする行為は、どの文化にもみられる本能的な癒し方です。”さすることは弛緩した関節を引き締め、緊張した関節を緩める”と今から2000年以上も前も昔にギリシャのヒポクラテスは語っています。マッサージは身体に働きかけて循環を促進し、さらに筋肉をリラックスさせるため、心も安らぎます。アロマセラピーとマッサージが組み合わされたとき、ストレスを解消し、気分を爽快にする効果が増進されます。”人生はエネルギーを使うもの、マッサージはエネルギーを取り戻すもの” 温かい手のトリートメントと自然の香りのアロマセラピーを体験するお手伝いが出来れば幸いです.

Aromatherapy is curative treatment using essential oils and have lot of benefits. Numerous curative powers have been attributed to plants

and they have been used thoughout history in the pursuit of happiness and health. As part of medicine, religious ceremonies and in cosmetics, plants have been used extensively.

Odors are percieved by the part of the brain connected with emotion. When the oils are use , their effectiveness in relieving stress, improving mood, and promoting good health is readily apparent.

Massage is probably the oldest and simplest of medical treatments. Rubbing an aching sholder or soothing a brow is a healing instinct common to everyone. Over two thousand years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates said, "Rubbing can bind a joint that is too loose and loosen a joint that is too rigid." The physical benefits of massage, such as improved circulation and relaxed muscles, and the psychological feeling of being comforted and cared for produce a sense of well-being that is surely unique. Aromatherapy, when combined with massage, increases its effectiveness.

"Life takes it out of you but massage put it back"

I hope that aromatherapy and massage willl help you experience touch and smell in the most pleasurable way.

Aroma Body Treatment
60min  $85
90min  $120

Aromatherapy in combination with massage techniques to suit your needs. The working of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques enhance body function, aid in the healing process, promote relaxation, soothe aches and pains, relax the mind and purify the body.

Aroma Facial Treatment
60min $85
Deep-Cleansing Back  Treatment
60min $85

Aromatherapy uses organic, natural ingredients to reduce lines and provide tone. Using Damask rose water supports circulation and purifies your skin while it softens, moisturises and nourishes. In addition, the treatment includes deep cleansing, toning, gentle facial massage, and clay mask. Lastly, a relaxing scalp, decolte, neck, and shoulder massage leaves your skin feeling radiant.

60min $85
90min $120

Pressure point massage to the feet addresses tension throughout the body. Ideal for those not liking a full body massage. Relieves tension, improves circulation and helps promote the natural function of the related areas of the body.




                    *Gift Certificates  available*

Body & Facial combo
120min  $160

This wonderful, relaxing 2 hours of treatment is the ultimate combination that provides a full body and facial massage. It uses Aromatherapy and with a personalized massage cream, a full body massage. With your body completely relaxed, a full facial is next that purifies and cleanses your skin. A facial massage, and clay mask follow and lastly a relaxing scalp, decolte, neck and shoulder massage that leaves you in a state of total bliss and relaxation. 


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